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The Magic Hour - Virtual Co-Working

  • Tue, January 28, 2025
  • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Zoom

PWN Members Only Event

The Magic Hour of Virtual Co-Working

January 28th Tuesday

9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET

Get ready to kick procrastination to the curb, amp up your creativity and get those projects started and completed! Join us for an hour designed to help us take action on our business tasks & feel the support of your PWN Sisters.

PWN Co-Working Hour Outline & Agenda

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

•Briefly introduce yourself and the purpose of the co-working hour.

•Allow attendees to quickly introduce themselves (name, business, current focus/task for

the hour).

•Set expectations for productivity and engagement during the session.

2. Objective Setting (5 minutes)

•Have each participant share their goal or task for the hour. This could be done via chat or in

short statements.

•Encourage everyone to choose one or two realistic tasks they want to complete by the end

of the hour.

3. First Work Sprint (20-25 minutes)

•Start the first focused work session. Everyone works quietly on their own tasks, using the

time efficiently.

•You can have quiet background music or just keep it silent for deep work.

4. Check-in/Break (5-10 minutes)

•After the first work sprint, offer a short break to check in on progress.

•Participants can share updates or challenges and encourage each other.

•Allow time for a quick stretch or coffee refill.

5. Second Work Sprint (20-25 minutes)

•Begin the second focused work session.

•Encourage everyone to tackle their next goal or continue what they were working on.

6. Final Check-in & Wrap-Up (5-10 minutes)

•End with a final check-in. Have each participant share what they accomplished or what they

plan to continue working on.

•Encourage ongoing connection or accountability.

•Thank everyone for joining and let them know when the next co-working hour will take place.


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