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The Professional Women’s Network of Monterey (PWN) has established a new fund to honor the memory of Gina Estrada, an outstanding member who was known for her deep commitment to helping women in business. 

In honor of all she did for both our members and for so many more, this fund can stand as a beacon of hope for women.  We feel this can establish a legacy that will keep her work vibrant and move her dreams and aspirations forward through the lives of women who are ready to take the steps to grow both professionally and personally in success.

This fund will be awarding funds to women for their professional advancement and education.  Please consider making a contribution to this fund, which will be administered by the Board of PWN according to guidelines that will ensure that they are allocated to those who can use them the most.

Thank You for your generous donation,

Professional Women's Network of the Monterey Peninsula Board of Directors.


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