Professional Women's Network
Diana Concoff Morgan MA HHE
The Keys to Create an Authentic, Monetizable Online Presence that will attract On-going Referrals and Clients
During this talk:
Diana Concoff Morgan, Marketing Strategist, international best-selling published author, international speaker is a successful serial entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience including building 2 successful businesses using the strategies that she teaches her clients.
Diana helps Coaches, Thought Leaders and other Entrepreneurs who rely largely on relationships and referrals to gain new clients. The Whole Heart Marketing Strategy is designed to increase connections and convert them into referrals and clients with tried and tested strategies.
Diana has passionately helped thousands of entrepreneurs learn the Art of Online Communication, Networking and Client Attraction to grow their business.
Professional Women's Network of the Monterey Peninsula is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 1093 Broadway Ave, #1489, Seaside, CA 93955