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The Knowing - Doing Gap

We Don't Need More Knowledge We Need More Networking

If you’re a woman in business, you’ve probably read the books, taken the courses, and soaked up podcast episodes about success, marketing, and leadership.

You know you need to put yourself out there. You believe in your vision, and something is missing. This is called the knowing-doing gap—when you know what to do but don't do it.

Success isn’t just about knowledge. It’s about taking action even when you are, behind, worried, doubting, tired, scared... name it.

Your business grows when you are seen and heard. If you want a chance to network in person come to the PWN March Networking & Growth Events.

  Share your up-coming events with us in the Facebook Group and let’s support each other!

From The Desk of Elisabeth Stitt

Founder of Joyful Parenting Coaching &

PWN's Programs Director

In improv acting, one key rule is to keep the action moving by responding with “Yes, [that’s true!] and...” rather than blocking a person’s idea. This approach fosters collaboration and keeps conversations flowing.

I love how the "Yes, and" technique shifts the speaker's focus to the positive.

Here’s how a couple can use this technique to build warmth between them:

Bob: I really want to vacation in Hawaii so we can relax under an umbrella.

Barbara: YES, and we can drink piƱa coladas with little umbrellas. So festive!

Bob: YES, and I found a beachfront restaurant with colorful lights.

Barbara: YES, and I could finally try Mahi Mahi!

Bob: Right! And Hawaii has some of the most creative desserts.

Barbara: Oh! You know how I love desserts, AND we could walk on the beach after dinner.

Bob: That sounds so nice. I love the sound of the waves.

Now, let’s assume Barbara doesn’t actually want to go to Hawaii. She worries about the cost and how it might impact their savings. If she immediately shuts down Bob’s idea, it could lead to frustration. Instead, she can use a variation of "Yes, and..." to introduce her concerns:

Barbara: I love the waves, too, and AT THE SAME TIME, I worry that Hawaii will be too expensive.

Bob: Yes, that’s true, and AT THE SAME TIME, we saved by skipping a Christmas trip.

Barbara: I’m glad we have extra saved, and AT THE SAME TIME, I wonder if we could find a relaxing spot closer to home.

Bob: Yes, it is peak season pricing, and AT THE SAME TIME, being near water is really important to me.

By using “Yes, and...” before presenting concerns, Barbara creates warmth and connection while opening the door to a win-win solution. Maybe Tahoe, Santa Cruz, or Lake Shasta?

The process becomes collaborative rather than confrontational—strengthening their relationship along the way.

Talk about a win-win!

Reach out to Elisabeth at Joyful Parenting Coaching for more support and insights.


PWN is a fun interactive professional networking group of enthusiastic women supporting & honoring each other for their personal fulfilment and business success.

We exist to create an environment of empowerment in which women come together in a spirit of collaboration providing opportunities to build lasting relationships, professional development, and business connections.

What is PWN?

We are a National Professional Women's Organization based on the Monterey Peninsula since 1983. Members locally and Nationally have networking opportunities Online and in person throughout Monterey & Santa Cruz County. PWN is the legacy organization for professional women (and a few outstanding businessmen) in Monterey County.  

Our membership is a diverse group, comprised of entrepreneurs, professionals, and employees.

Professional Women’s Network has been uplifting and supporting women both in personal fullfilment and business success. Since the network’s inception in 1983, PWN has awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships to help women in business and the non-profit organizations they support.

Every year PWN honors one special woman whose life and work has impacted the members of our network and community. The “Woman of the Year Award” is proudly presented during our Annual Holiday Gala which is our annual fundraising event.

Why Become a Member?

  • Build your business and referral network
  • Attend monthly Live Networking & Speaker Events on zoom.
  • Share your business with PWN on our Social Media platforms
  • Develop friends and business relationships
  • Be a guest speaker 
  • Sponsor an Event
  • Showcase your business at the monthly meetings
  • Give and receive referrals
  • Create a Master Mind


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